+316 41034076
Maika Szeto
Hi, my name is Maika Szeto and I am 19 years old. Currently, I am in my second year of the Bachelor of Laws. Besides my studies, I have an active student life in Tilburg. I am an active member of T.S.C St. Olof and of year club Lunea. In addition, I am on the election committee of Front. During my student days, I have noticed that it is very important to be an active student. It has advantages not only in your social network, but also professionally. Therefore, I would like to represent these students in the University Council.
Together with Front, I want to support hybrid education so that flexibility for the active students is guaranteed. I also want to push for more study places, expansion and affordable dining facilities. Do you agree with this and want me to represent you next year? Then vote for Front #6 on 11,12 and 13 April!
+316 48485840