Executive Agenda Strategy (Roadmap) - For consent (UR 2669)
When the strategy was adopted, it was agreed to develop an ‘Executive Agenda Strategy 2027’. A working agenda that specifies which parts of the strategy will be worked out and which time frame will be used. A working agenda that describes how the rolling strategy will be implemented and has an elaboration approach. Finally, the working agenda contains a proposal for accountability and monitoring of the strategy's progress.
The working agenda has the following components:
Approach to implementing the strategy
Starting points for financing
Agenda for implementation notes 2022
Accountability and monitoring
Approach to implementing the strategy
The intentions in Strategy 2027 'Weaving Minds and Characters' are ambitious. This requires a thorough and careful approach to implementation. The main document of the strategy mainly describes the direction. Further concretization is needed for the layout. A number of starting points have been formulated in elaborating the design. These starting points are partly the result of the improvement points that were formulated during the evaluation of the realization of the previous strategy. The starting points are:
The executive agenda offers room for adjustment (rolling strategy)
The executive agenda sets priorities in relation to the strategy's ambitions
Resources from the strategic compartment are allocated while retaining flexibility and with a low administrative burden
A system of accountability and monitoring is developed without additional reporting lines, but with clear objectives
Systematization is applied in the development of the Implementation memorandums. A clear procedure for decision-making is described
Starting points for funding
Several financial sources are available to achieve the strategic objectives:
a. Strategy compartment University
b. Infrastructure compartment University
c. Faculty resources
d. Divisional resources
e. External resources
f. Coalition funds (subject to change)
The Strategy compartment contains over m€ 7 in 2022 and m€ 6.6 in the years thereafter. The schools together have a strategy budget of m€ 4 per year (2022: m€ 3.5). When a program is close to the regular activities of organizational units, regular resources or reserves of faculties or divisions or the infrastructure (housing and ICT) compartment can be used to cover it. For some ambitions, a possible financial contribution from external partners will also be considered. Combinations of several sources of funding are also possible.
Agenda implementation memoranda 2022
To avoid overloading the organization, the College has prioritized the topics to be addressed in 2022. In 2022 a couple of implementation memorandum are/will be completed or set in progress, for example the Academic Collaborative Center, the Platform Digital Sciences for Society, Core values Strategy 2027 and identity, Student staff ratio and the Campus strategy.
Accountability and monitoring
As indicated above, in order to reduce the regulatory burden and the reporting burden as much as possible, the Board chooses to monitor progress as much as possible through the regular P&C cycle. In other words, monitoring will take place via the Maraps and accountability via the financial statements/report. There will be no separate reporting line for strategic programme lines, as is currently the case for the current strategy. The University Council gave a unanimous positive consent.
Budget request for Temporary Expansion of Sport Facilities - For advice (UR 2674)
Due to the demolition of a section of a former TiU building, there is now an opportunity to expand the sports facilities at Olympia. The Executive Board has requested funds for a temporary expansion. This expansion will address some of the acute bottlenecks of the sports center: Fitness capacity will increase by 23% and the capacity for group training by 13% and there will be a CrossFit area. If there is enough room, possibly a padel court will be added to the program. There will also be facilities aimed at better accommodating exam
students, including bicycle racks. The proposed expansion could cause a small increase in the price of the sports membership. The addition is temporary as the university is working on a larger project regarding renewal of the entire sports facilities within in a few years.
We will discuss these plans in the UC in summer. The University Council gave a unanimous positive advice.
Reaction to Front's Initiative Proposal Master Specialization - For discussion (UR 2680)
In the University Council of December 16, 2021, student party Front submitted an initiative proposal to give students more recognition when they decide to take courses outside their own curriculum during their master’s degree. The university can accomplish this by facilitating and recognizing “course bundles’’. A course bundle is a collection of existing courses that fall within the same program and can be seen as an additional
specialization. Front proposes that on the diploma the specialization will also be mentioned, so students are recognized for taking additional courses. the Executive Board is positive about the underlying initiative proposal. The Executive Board would therefore like to make a start in the investigation on the possibilities and challenges regarding course bundles and (other forms of) extended masters, in close cooperation with the schools, and invites Front and SAM to participate in the conversations about this with the schools.
Hybrid Meeting Phase 1 - For information (UR 2681)
The executive board approved the implementation of the hybrid meeting project based on a two-phase implementation. Phase 1 has to be realized in the first half of 2022. Phase 2 will after evaluation be presented to the Executive board for decision-making in the second half of 2022. In the meeting rooms cameras and microphones will be installed to make it easier to have hybrid meetings. In the first phase, student rooms will not be taken along.
Any Other Business
Front asked in an earlier council to lower the threshold for student associations to organize events on campus. After having multiple conversations with Facility Services, they came up with a plan to improve this. During the council we had today, we addressed that the proposal made by facility services is now in development, which will reduce the financial threshold for associations. We support this proposal written by facility services and
hope that it will get through soon and become a workable process.
Due to the elections and the full agenda of last University Council, the following (less interesting pieces for students) are only briefly explained. For more information you can always contact us!
Annual Report for Occupational Health, Safety and Environment (ARBO) 2021 - For discussion (UR 2671)
To ensure good working conditions, Tilburg University aims at improving safety, health and well-being at work. The ARBO report of last year was evaluated and the new plan for the upcoming year was presented. In the new plan was also stated, how the university wants to improve its BHV calling system.
Slot Nota van Aanvulling en Wijziging 2021 - For advice (UR 2673)
The final letter of amendment 2021 is part of the financial planning and control cycle and concerns the technical finalization of the financial year 2021. The University Council gave a unanimous positive advice.
Ambitions and principles Recognition & Appreciation - For information (UR 2682)
Recognition & Appreciation is an ambition of Tilburg University to enable its employees to fully develop their talents. Goals associated with this ambition are for example: recognition for open science, focus on quality in criteria for recruitment, selection, development and promotion, attention to the individual and to the team.
Evaluation SKO - For information (UR 2683)
A review of the Senior Qualification Education (SKO) was agreed upon in 2019. SKO focuses on an educational project at curriculum level. In addition, it was decided that Tilburg University will offer a training program, where teachers will be facilitated in the further professionalization of senior task.
Monitoring and Accountability NPO - For information (UR 2684)
In August 2021 the Education Spending Plan belonging to the National Educational Program (NPO) was adopted by the Executive Board. Implementation has now begun. This memo is about how the monitoring of these plans is carried out and in which way accountability takes place. There will be a final report drawn up based on information from all universities, HBO’s and MBO’s.
Final report Monitoring Action Lines Strategy - For discussion (UR 2668)
Tilburg University presented its new strategy 'Weaving Minds & Characters'. This also meant the end of the 2018-2021 strategy and its 17 action lines. For the evaluation of that strategy, it was decided to issue one more report in 2021 and to combine it with a qualitative evaluation and financial conclusion per action line. At the same time, a report on lessons learned on the creation and implementation of the 2018-2021 strategy was
written to serve as input to the creation of the new strategy. The Executive Board would like to discuss the creation and implementation of the former strategy and its consequences for the new one.
Evaluation role Director University Services in combination with role Secretary University - For discussion (UR 2676)
In February 2021 the Executive Board asked for approval to restructure the role of Secretary of the University by combining it with the position of Director of University Services. The University Council discussed and approved this proposal. During the discussion with the University Council, it was agreed that the combination of roles - following the amendment of the BBR - was evaluated after approximately one year.
Medezeggenschap JADS - For discussion (UR 2678)